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Healing Is A Choice

Stephen Arterburn

The power to heal―physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually―is in God’s hands. But the choice to be healed is yours. Everyone, at some level, needs healing. You may have prayed for healing many times, for many years. Perhaps you have lived with your brokenness so long that you have become accustomed to it. Maybe you wonder just when God is going to take all the hurt away.

The Anger Workbook

Les Carter

Many people assume that anger is the emotion that leads to raised voices and violence, and this kind of explosive rage is certainly a reality. But there are many different types of anger, from the simmering to the shutting down. Most of us experience some form of anger or its effects. The good news is that anger can be controlled.

How To Worship a King

Zach Neese

Worship is more than music. It is the impetus for everything we do as Christians. It is expressed through every action of our lives and helps us become more Christlike. When we learn to worship God through our life, we become better Christians, ministers, musicians, parents, and mechanics.

The Game Plan Workbook

Joe Dallas

Men everywhere are under attack-your neighbor, your coworker, your pastor, even your husband. And, even in Christian homes, 40% of men have fallen to this foe that can destroy marriages and ruin lives.

Love and Respect Workbook

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Discover the single greatest secret to a successful marriage! The Love & Respect Workbook will help you and your spouse achieve a deeper level of intimacy by stopping the crazy cycle of conflict, initiating energizing change, and enjoying renewed passion.

Roar Like A Lion

Levi Lusko

Kids are wrestling with tough issues these days—peer pressure, purpose, unexpected change or loss, and wondering where their faith fits in with it all. Roar Like a Lion encourages your kids to "run toward the roar" as they face their fears, knowing that God is with them every step of the way.
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